Task 4: Impact Of Transistors On Society

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HSC Assessment Task 4-Physics and Technology Research Assignment 2016 -Assess, by analysing the information and using available evidence, the impact of the invention of transistors on society with particular reference to their use in microchips and microprocessors. The invention of transistors which is used in microchips and microprocessors was a major milestone in science and has made a huge impact on society. Most of the impacts made have been positive but some negative impacts do exist. Transistors are made out of semiconducting material. Solid state devices are made out of transistors which plays an important role in our everyday lives, whether in our smartphones or computers. Before transistors were invented, many electrical appliances Society quickly switched to them as they were more energy efficient, fast, accurate and compact compared to thermionic devices. Also, unlike thermionic devices, no warmup time was required as they operated instantaneously. Positive impact on society Negative impact on society -use of microprocessors have led to appliances such as phones, computers ,TV, washing machines and other home appliances which has improved communication, lifestyle conveniences and provides society with entertainment. -Has led to heavy use of technology which prevents face to face conversation. As a result, it has a negative social atmosphere for society. -Use of microchips has allowed invention of mechanical devices to improve productivity and to do tasks that humans cannot do. Eg. Robotic arms and industrial machinery. -Causing a decrease in employment as jobs are being taken over by machines. -Microchips have improved methods of communication which include the internet and phones. This connects people from around the world like never before. Eg. Email and social media sites. -Cybercrimes such as fraud and larceny are created as a result of the internet. As well as making it more difficult to protect privacy and copyright. -Appliances become smaller and smaller, many of those are Almost all medical procedures require the applications of physics. The main medical applications of physics include ultrasound, electromagnetic radiations, radioisotopes and magnetic fields. These applications have allowed diagnosis and close monitoring of the body with minimal invasive procedures as well as an being accurate allowing early detection of diseases such as cancer. Thus prolonging our lives. One of the applications used is ultrasound. Ultrasound scans have been used in obstetrics and has completely changed the way the health of pregnant women is managed. As ultrasounds do not use ionising radiation it is a safe method of scanning both mother and foetus for abnormalities. As a result, it is now easier to detect normal pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy and to assess the foetus for any irregularities. This has led to a higher chance of getting a positive outcome for both the mother and the unborn child. Also, ultrasound is used to diagnose problems in the heart and measuring blood flow through the heart and blood vessels. Which is harmless to the patient as well as being

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