Take It From Me Analysis

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My initial reactions from the documentary “ Take It From Me”, was that of empathy for the all individuals shown in the documentary. After watching all the difficult circumstances they faced , my only hope was for them to make it out of their struggling situations. I wanted to personally help each one of them because they were all just trying to make ends meet and create better lives for themselves legally. The first detail I noticed while watching the documentary was that almost all of the participants were either employed with a minimum wage job or attempting to get work. Welfare participants in the media typically are portrayed as lazy or as using the system. However, Abbey and Valentina were doing minimum wage work and they were both still in need of financial assistance. Teresa was on welfare as well but she had lose her job years prior and had not been able to find another one for , which was out of er control. Iyoka choose a school program over the work program, she was able to get a better paying job. However she herself was still financially strained because her husband was not able to find stable work. I notice this same problem still exist today with many individuals needing more financial support for a longer period of time. Although the minimum wage has been increasing, the cost of living …show more content…

For example, Abbey had a third child with Eddy because she felt that the little affection that he did give her was all the support that she had. In addition, it was also easier to stay in a situation that feels familiar and consistent, being with Eddy, especially since everything else in her life was chaotic. Loui’s decision to leave was determined by how he felt in his marriage after his wife, Iyoka found a good paying job. He felt less masculine because he was not the main source of income for the family, and he was not able to help her the way he wanted to

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