Persepolis Essay

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The novel Persepolis, written by Marjane Satrapi, portrays a diverse amount of symbolism throughout the novel which contributes to the protagonist developing into a young women. The main character, Marji Satrapi flourishes at an early age in her life due to the setting of the novel. Satrapi acquires knowledge about different insights of the Iranian government which constitutes her self judgement. Satrapi reckons that the individuals that make up the population of Iran should all support the idea of the government before the ministry of Iran can commence a war. “For a revolution to succeed the entire population must support it" (Satrapi 17). Marji expresses that the revolution will vanish due to many individuals not supporting …show more content…

The Iranian Revolution, “was the 1979 overthrow of Iran 's monarchy and the establishment of an Islamic Republic. Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was replaced by the cleric Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The revolution established religious leaders as the ruling class and integrated fundamentalist Islamic law into all aspects of the government, military, and public and private enterprise” (Definition of Islamic Revolution). The symbolism that is associated within the novel shows her rebellious stages such as, smoking a cigarette due to the amount of deaths that occurred in the revolution. Satrapi became curious about her surroundings and she seeks for knowledge and information about the Iranian Revolution in different ways such as reading. Ultimately, the symbolism depicted throughout the novel, Persepolis contributes towards Marji Starapis development into …show more content…

Marjane Satrapi, wrote the novel in a simple text with visual representations indicating that anyone can comprehend the physical and mental destruction of war. Therefore, the important events that occurs in the war, was shown as frightening due to the actions of the main characters. The novel of Perespolis was written from the view of a child’s perspective. The child’s perspective represents, Satrapi’s ability to understand an abstract situation ultimately led her into wanting to rebel, as a response to the knowledge acquired from the time period. Satrapi understood that the government was trying to rule the society through the golden key and experiences that were told from her cousin, Shahab. The words written in the text of the novel is in capital letters that portrayed that someone is yelling and frustrated. This was due to the fact that Satrapi became angry about the Iranian Revolution and seeing death happen every day. She did not want to live in a society that killed people if they had different opinions than the government. The novel was written in black and white and this showed no self-identity because people were not allowed to be different. The graphic novel was shown for people to not judge whether the race of their skin. This novel also demonstrated how Satrapi viewed the world, black and white. It did not matter

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