Symbolism In Irving's Rip Van Winkle

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Symbolism is the use of symbols to imply thoughts are unique in relation to their literal sense. Authors often use this literary element to create a certain emotion and relay a more profound meaning into a work of writing. As we go through the story, this utilization can be easily found in the classic tale of Rip Van Winkle as symbolism plays a major part. Irving composed the story in light of the American individuals at time when society has changed drastically due to American Revolution. The analogies of Irving's Rip Van Winkle cover an array of Revolutionary encounters: America before English enforcement, early American provinces under English principle, and after the American Revolution. He suggests that there is an immense contrast which leads Rip astonished, to know he is in some other time. This could symbolize the American's perspective on their new home. …show more content…

In Rip Van Winkle, both men and women are stereotyped. Upon closer examination, one sees that this story albeit being straightforward at first look, contains a dream of what was then simply getting to be what is alluded to as "The American Dream."
The generalised or stereotyped characters are from the American people before and after Revolutionary War. Dame Van Winkle and Rip are stock characters that have been found in literature the irksome wife and the henpecked husband as Rip Van Winkle’s character represents the American society as perceived by England whereas his wife, Dame Van Winkle portrays England. This element between the free will loving Rip and his overbearing wife executes a key idea of the American Dream The townspeople speak to American culture everywhere and how it developed with the acknowledgment of becoming independent. Americans were attempting to keep its distance from the oppressor, pretty much as Rip would do everything in his power to escape his dominant

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