Symbolism And Symbolism In 'Currents' By Hannah Vosckuil

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In her story “Currents” Hannah Vosckuil uses symbolism, and a reverse narrative structure to show the story of how unnamed sympathetic and antagonistic characters react differently to a traumatic event. Symbolism can be found in this story in the way that Gary does not mind sitting in the dark alone at the end of the day as well as how both of his girls are affected by the symbolism of hands. One holding a boy’s hand for the first time and the other becoming sick after seeing the dead boy’s hand fall off the stretcher. The sympathetic and antagonistic manner of these characters is shown when both girls are told by their grandmother that they must return to the water to swim the next day. The grandmother sees this simply as a way of encouraging them and keeping them from becoming afraid of the water. However, the girls see this as a scary proposition because of what had happened, showing the grandmother as an antagonist character to the little girls. In this story both of the little girls are effected by hands. However, both in different …show more content…

Voskuil writes, “His mother, distracted, had shut off the floodlights and he did not protest against the dark.” (468). The dark can mean many things symbolically, however for Gary it is a quiet place to sit and think about everything that happened that day. It had been a long sad day for everyone at the beach and Gary needed time to absorb everything he had seen and heard earlier. The dark can symbolize saddens or loss, or even loneliness. For Gary this night holds all of this. The sadness of losing the young boy to the currents of the ocean, the loss the family and friends of the boy feel, and the sadness they feel as well. Gary sits in the dark drinking his single malt because he does not mind being reminded of the events that occurred earlier that day, this is a way that lets him think it through for

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