Symbolic Interactionism In The Blind Side By Michael Oher

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In sociology symbolic interactionism explains the individual in a society and their interactions with others and through that it can explain social order and change. This theory was compiled from the teachings of George Herbert Mead in the early 20th century. Mead believed that the development of the individual was a social process. People are subjected to change based on their interactions with other people, objects or events and they assign meaning to things in order to decide how to act. This perspective depends on the symbolic meaning that people depend on in the process of social interaction. This paper will examine the movie “The Blind Side” through the symbolic interaction perspective. The movie The Blind Side is about a homeless young man named Michael Oher, who was from one the worst …show more content…

Herbert Blumer noted that people act toward others based on the meaning they give them. The meaning we assign to someone is shown by the language we use toward that person. Words we use have default assumptions, and people label others with words. Thought then comes into play as we modify our interpretation of what we see by our thought process. The thought process includes someone taking the role of the other. You imagine you are someone else who is viewing you, and sometimes act as that person would act. A lot of the people in the movie, The Blind Side, act differently toward Michael Oher based on the meaning they assign to him, and they give him different labels. Those labels are mostly negative because people see Michael him with ratty clothes, nowhere to live, and always failing school. Michael Oher’s mom in the movie, Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock), and her family represent love and caring. Michael starts showing love and caring. When he goes back to the “hood” with his old friends, they represent problems, and he doesn’t want to be problematic, so he stays away from

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