What Are The Benefits Of Swimming Essay

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Swimming is a universal sport. It is one of the prominent sports worldwide. In this day and age, most individuals know how to swim. It is clear that there are quite a number of swim clubs, recreation centres, golf clubhouses and many other facilities that feature swimming pools. Many high schools and colleges have competitive swim teams; and of course, swimming is one of the most popular Olympic sports. Furthermore, swimming is suitable for all ages; from 4-year-olds to 94-year-olds. This is because swimming is relatively easy. As well as being fun, swimming is a great way to keep fit, stay healthy and make friends. It is especially favourable for the elders. There are numerous benefits for the elders to swim compared to doing any other exercise. …show more content…

This is because water has buoyancy. This certain physical property of water helps the elders to exercise with ease. Water can neutralise the pull of gravity when they immerse themselves during swimming. Barbara Russi Sarnataro (2009) stated when the human body is immersed to the waist, the body bears only 50% of its weight; immersed to the chest it becomes 25% to 35% and when immersed to the neck, the body only bears merely 10% of the full weight. In addition, water can act as a padding to stiff joints and fragile bones. Thus, water helps to take pressure off the elders’ joints. For example, seniors with arthritis or other physical disabilities can use swimming as a rehabilitation therapy to relieve pain and improve the condition of their joints. This is proven as said by Robert A. Robergs, a director of the exercise physiology laboratories at The University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, “It is a good, whole-body exercise that has low impact for people with arthritis, musculoskeletal, or weight limitations” (as cited by Sarnataro, …show more content…

It is an aerobic exercise that aids to increase heart function during exercise. When the seniors swim, it helps their hearts to become stronger, larger and more efficient at pumping blood throughout the body with regular exercise. The exercise can help increase blood flow which in turn reduces the risk of coronary heart disease (Carefect, 2012). Besides that, it actually reduces inflammation of the heart by preventing fatty build-ups or plaque development in the arteries and blockage in the capillaries. Furthermore, it helps increase metabolism rate by regular exercise with intervals of fast and medium speeds, which helps the elders to become more energetic and healthy. Moreover, according to Dr. Hirofumi Tanaka, director of the University of Texas's Cardiovascular Aging Research Laboratory, he has found substantial proof that consistent swimming heightens the control of blood-sugar levels in the body, which lessens the possibility of diabetes (as cited by Hutchinson,

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