Superman And Me Alexie Sherman

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The story “Superman and me” by Alexie Sherman discussed his life as an Indian boy. The author writes about how he first learned how to read. His childhood was on the Spokane Indian Reservation. His family was poor. But his father spend all extra money to buy books. There were a lot of books in their house. Sherman states, “My father loved books, and since I loved my father with an aching devotion, I decided to love books as well"(245). In other words, he believes he loved books because his father loved books. Alexie described his first steps how he learned to read with a Superman comic book. He looked at the pictures of comic books and pretended to read. He learned about paragraphs and began to relate his surroundings to paragraphs. He taught himself how to read at small age. After that he started to read a lot of papers everywhere. Also this paper explained the struggles Indian people have trying to survive in a non-Indian environment. Finally, Sherman Alexie became a writer and started to teach Indian students. He wanted to give them the opportunities that he never had. This story illustrates how Indian boy from poor family taught himself how to read and became a successful writer.

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His methods are a good way to teach children how to read. First, he learns the paper structure by relating his surroundings to paragraphs. Sherman states, “I realized that a paragraph was a fence that held words. The words inside a paragraph worked together for a common purpose"( 234).In other words, he believes purpose of paragraph. I think learning about writing and reading process will be better if first students learned the structure of a paper. Also, it is important students would look at the picture and guess what the personage was doing. I believe that use Alexie's reading methods to teach how to read are a great

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