Summary: Old Macdonald Had A Farm

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1. Activity: Old MacDonald had a Farm... Subject: Music

2. Rationale: The class has recently discussed a broad amount of different types of animals such as bears, dogs, cows, elephants etc. To expand on the topic, I will be introducing animal themes. we will read a story based on the theme of farm animals called “Slide and Find on the Farm” by Kathie Smith. This will be followed up by sing the song Old MacDonald had a Farm, while the students are given a chance to act out the sounds and motions of the various animals (ducks, pig, horse, chicks etc.)
3. Concept:
• Animals live in different type of environments, for example the jungle, forest, and farms.
• Farmers are people who manage the animals and feed them.
• Farm animals make verbal …show more content…

NYS Common Core Standards: Domain 2: 1A-Identifies sights, smells, sounds, tastes and textures. Domain 4: 1A- Participates in small or large group activities for storytelling, singing or finger plays 5A- Understands and follows spoken directions, 5B- Identifies pictures related to word. Domain 5: 5A- Observes and discusses similarities, differences, and categories of plants and animals. 5J- Observes, describes, and compares the habitats of plants and animals, Music: 3A- Participates with increasing interest and enjoyment in a variety of music activities including listening to music, singing songs, performing finger plays, and experimenting with various musical instruments, 3B- Enjoys singing, making up silly and rhyming verses, imitating rhythmic patterns, and using music to tell stories and express …show more content…

a. Motivation: Have a variety of toy animals out for display
b. Introduction: Have each child grab a toy animal of their choice and go back to their seats until called upon. “Everyone look at your animal you picked out. Do you think that animal would live in a zoo/jungle or on a farm?” Taking turns, have ask each child to identify the animal they picked out and where do they think that animal would live?
c. Activity:
• Have all students seat on the rug in a big circle
• Give all 16 students a brown paper bag that has a red barn on it
• Inside each brown bag place a 1 animal card
• Tell the children to do not remove the animal cards from the bags until they are advised
• Explain to the students we are going to sing the song Old MacDonald had a farm together as a class
• During the singing the song each student will have the chance to take their animal card out of the bag and identify the farm animal and it sound it makes.
• Have the whole now sing Old Macdonald using that animal card that was pulled from the bag.
d. Closure: Review what farms animals are and see if the children know what type of products we receive from the animals. Example- cows and goats make milk, Chickens lay eggs and pigs give us

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