Summary Of The Idea Of A Christian College

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Holmes, Arthur F. The Idea of a Christian College. Revised edition. My essay is based on the book “The Idea of a Christian College” by Arthur F. Holmes, the revised edition. I want to state the benefits of attending a Christian college. A Christian liberal arts education is often misunderstood and underrated. In today's competitive economy, having a degree is required for applying to an entry level job. In this paper, I would like to provide examples for readers to see the benefits and advantages of receiving your degree from a Christian liberal arts college. Many people attend college for education but attending a Christian college you receive a Christian education. I believe that your perspective on life changes and every decision …show more content…

In my opinion, this type of education will allow us to gain the necessary tools in order to become successful in today’s world; I believe that each of us has a purpose in life. In this day and age our faith should allow us to grow and to know Jesus Christ, to understand his message on earth, his devotion and belief in his ministry. His story allows us to know who he was and teaches us to model our lives and behaviors according to the will of God. Having an education that goes hand in hand with faith and the understanding of God will in truth allow us to know God, and what our purpose of life is. In Roman 12:4-5, each one of us has been given a special gift and called to a specific purpose. By joining with other believers, we can utilize this gift that will bring a meaning to our life through Christ. These are the four concepts of importance in his book; creation, the human process, truth, and the cultural mandate. The concept of creation impacts all realms of nature and to human history and culture. He further states that we are creatures of two worlds, the natural and the spiritual, the secular and the sacred, the world and the church. Everything in nature and in history plays its parts in carrying out God's purpose. To neglect the kind of education that helps us understand and appreciate God's world betrays either shallow thinking or fearful …show more content…

The values in which an education gives should go beyond the value of money earned. In this book, The Idea of a Christian College, it has helped introduce students and teachers to the conversation about faith and learning in Christian colleges. As well as the new changes and challenges that schools are faced with. The bible states, “While our presentable parts need no special treatment, but god has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. It also continues by saying, “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. If one part is honored every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it.” (Corinthian 12:24-2) Personally, the life we live or education we receive should be for what it is intended for. I feel it has allowed me to know the connection between faith and education, this freedom has allowed me to have a personal connection to the education that I am receiving. By looking at these four concepts and how it affects the values on education and liberal learning. “The question to ask about education is not what I can do with it, but rather what is it doing to me as a person”, (Arthur F

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