Summary Of Sex Lies And Conversation Deborah Tannen

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According to the article "Sex, Lies, and Conversation: Why Is It So Hard for Men and Women to Talk to Each Other?" by Deborah Tannen and article "Speaking Different Languages" by John Gray are talking about the different ways between men and women conversation. Men have different styles from women while they talk to each other they talk more topic and more interesting which is different from women who will talk about one topic. And have other action that men and women are different which cause of the lack of communication between men is and women is a major of divorce in the United Stated. According to Tannen and Gray men's and women's different conversation styles reflect men's need for independence and women's need for intimacy because women use conversation to build friendship, to solve problems, and to express feelings, but men do not. …show more content…

For women before they begin to get close to each other is they start to use conversation to share some of the story from the outside world that they have to some inside to their personal information by talking about things that bad and good experience from themselves to each other. Which is how they first start to beginning to build their friendship to get a best friend. Just like in article by Tannen explain to us, "Little girls create and maintain friendships by exchanging secrets; similarly, women regard conversation as the cornerstone of friendship" (330). Which is the reason that women different from men because men did not use conversation to build their friendship in the way that women do, they use conversation to comparison; which they live in hierarchical world, where maintains

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