Summary Of Mixed Me By Taye Dig

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There are specific curriculum standards that must be met for every marking period and across all learning subjects that classroom educators will develop for the I DO, WE DO and YOU DO portions of lessons. In addition, educators will tailor lessons that meet the numerous learning styles of students whether or not they have an IEP. However, an educator that is sensitive to the student’s cultural backgrounds will have postings of students that are in the classroom, and on the exterior classroom bulletin board, and the imagery of people, families and related artifacts in the classroom on display. This same educator will select grade level literature, read stories, view educational videos, visit nearby cultural museums, and even invite guest to …show more content…

I had a student that was biracial that was having some issues with fitting in according to his White parent. The book Mixed Me by the Rent actor Taye Diggs was purchased and read to the entire classroom. This story resonated with the student during the Read Aloud period so much that his parent told me how much he appreciated the story. My other example that was mentioned in an earlier discussion is the reformulated story of Afrotina and the Three Bears. I purchased this book, several times, for a character education lesson about responsibility and integrity. Afrotina is young Black girl that finally understood the meaning of “Pretty is as pretty does” from her parents. This was a favorite of all the students and it spun off in to a writing activity. “Pretty is as pretty does” became one of our many classroom mantras. More importantly, the little Black girls in this 1st grade classroom could identify with a character, albeit a fictional one, that they could relate to culturally and

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