Summary Of Jane Goodall's In The Forests Of Gombe

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In Jane Goodall’s “In the Forests of Gombe,” she travels to the beautiful forests of Gombe to explore chimpanzee. She watches over the chimpanzees that she has been observing for over twenty years. She also travels to Gombe to get away from the sad associations that reminded her about the death of her husband, Derek. During her trip, she experiences an epiphany when she is stuck under a tree in the forest. The epiphany confirmed her view on whether religion and science can coexist. There are two concepts of “windows in Jane Goodall’s “In the Forests of Gombe.” One of which is the scientific window. The scientific window views the world in a very logical and natural way. The other window is the religious window. The religious window views the …show more content…

Religion is the belief and worshipping of a supernatural force like God. Religion explains most things that science cannot explain or prove. Goodall says that by the time she was twenty seven, her beliefs had already “molded” (145) so she was not influenced by the beliefs of the other scientists. While other scientists were either agnostic or atheist, Goodall was a Christian who believed in God. Goodall’s belief helped her get through the death of her husband. Feelings cannot be logically explained or proven. Science cannot prove the existence of feelings such as anger and grievance. Goodall says,” I was glad to be away from Dar es Salaam,with all its sad associations”(146). She had to get away because everything reminded her of her dead husband, Derek. She was “lost in awe” (Goodall 147) to the area surrounding her. She said that she “merged” (Goodall 147) with the spirit power of life itself. She also says that “self” (Goodall 147) was absent during her epiphany. It was only after she made it to Gombe, that she was able to “cope” (Goodall 150) with the death of her second husband, Derek. The religious window is the second part of the two parts to Jane Goodall’s concept of “windows.” With only the religious window, there are flaws to her …show more content…

There are some theories that science cannot prove. Science explains all of the logical and natural things in life through observation and experimentation. Religion explains all of the spiritual and mystical things in life. Religion is the belief and worshipping of a supernatural force like God. Jane Goodall is an outlier in the science industry. She believes in God and is also a scientist. Most scientists are only agnostic or atheists. Scientists only have one viewpoint. They only think logically and try to prove the existence of things. Religious people believe in a higher power that created everything and control everything. Jane Goodall has the perfect philosophy. When science is the only “window” someone bases their life on, there are drawbacks because there are a lot of things science cannot explain, logically. When religion is the only “window” someone bases their life on, there are drawbacks because there are a lot of things religion cannot explain, spiritually. When a person bases their life on both science and religion, more mysteries are answered. When both science and religion is part of a person’s philosophy, there are no drawbacks because they either support each other’s claims, do not explain each other, or supports one but not the

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