Summary Of I Died For Beauty-But Was Scarce

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Through interaction with others and their experiences the individual can create an artificial picture in order to conform. Through this idealised perception of image reality can be corrupted and one’s individual identity is lost. Through striking visual imagery both sam Mandez with his film American Beauty and Emily Dickenson’s Poem “I died for Beauty-but was Scarce” explore experiences inherent to the human condition, themes of appearance vs reality and how one’s ideals are sculpted by society.

Sam Mendez’s film, American beauty, depicts a satirical portrayal of American values, employing visual features and visual cinematography as a medium to communicate and shape how people and their experiences convey interesting ideologies through the …show more content…

Death is a prominent pre-occupation in Emily Dickinson’s poetry that through compelling imagery constructs a repellently morbid picture in the reader's mind, epitomizing interesting ideas about people and their experiences in adjusting to their own mortality. Dickinson’s use of a caesura in the opening line, “I died for beauty-but was scarce”, is a visual trigger for the reader insinuating that the speaker is trying to come to terms with her death, she is nervous about continuing and as she pauses the reader pauses with her. Dickinson's use of evocative imagery and ambiguity conducts interesting ideas about people and their experiences. This forces the reader to immediately question how the speaker is dead and yet speaking?(PAUSE) Is the speaker truly dead or metaphorically stating that she died for an ideal?(PAUSE) The persona was also scarce, as in rare, in that it was unusual that someone could die for beauty and how seldom it is to find one who is willing to live in accordance with their ideals and principles. When the persona who died searching for some truth is introduced into the poem, through the metaphor “when one who died for truth was lain”, they respect and identify with one another after configuring that they both had given their lives on the altar of principle. Intriguing ideas are presented about people and their interactive

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