Summary Of How American Politics Went Insane

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Renowned author Charles Dickens once wrote, “it was the best of times and the worst of times” (Tale of Two Cities). An all to true statement when one looks at the current American political situation, but author and journalist Jonathan Rauch endeavors to analyze the current political climate and explain how it became what it is today. In his article ‘How American Politics went Insane’, Rauch dissects the 2016 election and events leading up to the final vote to understand how politics went sideways. Rauch begins by offering a hypothetical scenario that depicts an extreme disintegration of American politics and its political institutions and parties. While it is only a hypothetical Rauch argues that the possibility of this scenario coming to …show more content…

In his depiction of the political parties, Rauch proclaims “there no longer is any such thing as a party leader. There are only individual actors, pursuing their own political interest and ideological missions willy-nilly.” Rauch points out, that political parties rely on the institutions that support and fund their political efforts. This comes in the form of financial backing for campaigns, support for important policy issues, and help to maintain the social hierarchy found within political parties. Rauch expresses his concern, that when political actors begin to take matters into their own hands, we begin to see rogues acting in their own …show more content…

Double edge sword is what lies at the heart of Roach’s issue with the American political system. While the public’s trust for their elected officials continues to disintegrate because of backroom deals and a poor transparency, it is exactly what the American political system requires its participants to do in order to be effective deal makers and according Roach, “Campaign contributions and smoke-filled rooms, pork is a tool of democratic governance, not violation of it. It can be used for corrupt purposes but also, for vital ones.” Roach argues that the public must take the good with the bad, they do not have to like it or agree with it, but they must see the importance that each side plays. Roach believes that it has been within the past 40 years that publics growing mistrust for the American political system has pushed toward favoring disintermediation, populism, and self-expression over professionals and political insiders. Roach’s concern is that the American public has lost faith in the traditional system and as a response the American public has begun to find favoritism in charismatic individuals who have little or no experience working in the political arena. Ideas and messages similar to Donald Trump’s declaration and promise to “drain the swamp” begins

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