Summary: New Product For Go Roma Chain Of Restaurants

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Strategic Plan Part 1: New product for Go Roma Chain of Restaurants
The food industry has seen major changes over the last few years as people become more conscious about the food they consume. This paradigm shift has seen players in the industry, restaurants included; devise strategies to ensure that the food on the menu is not only healthy but also unique and delicious so that clients have an all-rounded culinary experience. The National Restaurant Association (2017) reports that there are over a million restaurant locations in the USA, revenue hit $800 billion in 2017 and projections show an even brighter future. Go Roma is an Italian themed chain of restaurants that recently celebrated the eighth anniversary and are looking to expand the …show more content…

This is a demographic that a business in the food industry cannot afford to ignore in this day and time. The choice of which restaurant to dine from is increasingly being determined by how pet-friendly the place is. Those eateries with pet-friendly environments and menus automatically gain a competitive edge in comparison with those that do not allow pets. A curious fact to note is that the North American Pet Health Insurance Association (2017) recorded a 23% growth in year-over-year gross written premiums in 2017 showing just how much value pets have, people are willing to spend on pets, the question is whether a business is willing and able to provide the right products and services . This paper proposes that Go Roma introduces designated areas within the restaurant and pet menus that will allow clients to dine with their pets comfortably and at an affordable …show more content…

The new product is within the acceptable social norms because it involves food and space for pets. Operations in the new department will be conducted with high regard for people and the environment. The company will also comply with all state laws and regulations concerning this new trade.
The restaurant’s code of ethics will apply to the new product and service. Operations will promote honesty, hard work, integrity, and loyalty to the company just as listed in the code of ethics. To this end, any additional staff will undergo training by the human resource department to ensure they understand the role of ethics at Go Roma. All employees are entitled to a copy of the code and are requested to append their signature to it as a sign that they will maintain strict adherence.

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