Sugar Mood Effect

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The Affect of Sugar on Mood Introduction: Can sugar really make you happy? When sugar is consumed, then the mood will increase. When sugar is consumed, blood sugar peaks. Glucose, a type of sugar, helps provide energy for most cells in the body. Nerve cells are included in that category. Nerve cells take up half of the energy for sugar in the body. Therefore, glucose levels and brain function, like memory and learning, are very closely related. When the body’s glucose levels are low, energy is low. So, when sugar is consumed, then energy levels will increase. Increased energy levels will lead to a happier mood. While doing this controlled experiment, 10 test subjects rated their mood on a scale of 1-5 before and after the consuming the sugar. …show more content…

Then there was a total of 30 Pixy Stix. The test subjects were each given 3 Pixy Stix and a paper that gave instructions and for them to record results. First, the test subjects recorded their mood 1-5. Next, they ate the Pixy Stix and waited 30 minutes. During those 30 minutes the test subjects did not consume any food. After the 30 minutes was up, the test subjects recorded their mood. The test subjects did this a total of 3 times to complete the 3 trials needed for the experimental group. For the control group, the same 10 test subjects were used. They recorded their mood 1-5 and waited 30 minutes. During this 30 minutes they did not consume anything at all. After the 30 minutes was up they, recorded their mood …show more content…

Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist. 4 Ways Sugar Could Be Harming Your Mental Health | Psychology Today. Retrieved from (n.d.). Natural Health Articles, News, and Information by Dr. Mercola. What Does Sugar Do to Your Brain?. Retrieved from (n.d.). Medical Daily. 6 Surprising Facts About Sugar's Effect On Your Brain And Body, Other Than Weight Gain. Retrieved from (n.d.). Forbes Welcome. Forbes Welcome. Retrieved from (n.d.). ScienceAlert: The Best in Science News and Amazing Breakthroughs. Watch: This is how sugar affects your brain.Retrieved from (n.d.). Hungry For Change Official Home Page - A Food Matters Film. What Eating Too Much Sugar Does to Your Brain.Retrieved from

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