Subway Persuasive Speech

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I’m walking home from school debating on whether I should eat a sandwich or eat last night’s left-overs, or both, when suddenly an old lady comes up to me, hands me a ticket and says “do what you wish with this ticket” before I could even begin to ask any questions just as fast as she appeared she disappears and is nowhere near sight. I look at this ticket feeling a handful of emotions beginning with confusion and anxiousness. The ticket reads “A glimpse into your future.” I then turn the ticket around and it reads “Directions: 1. Walk into an empty closet 2. Hold the ticket in both hands and close your eyes 3. Good luck.”. There are a million thoughts going through my head one being “is this real” and another being “am I being punked”. I then …show more content…

Once I get home I am relieved to see that there are no cars parked outside the house meaning none of my sisters are home, so that means there is no possibility of them walking in on me sitting inside my closet looking like a complete lunatic then having to explain to them what happened and going through the humiliation of them making fun of me for actually believing that this ticket will give me “a glimpse into my future”. Anyway, I then quickly unlock my front door, throw my backpack on the ground, and run into my room. I throw out the clothes that’s laying on the closet floor to give myself room to sit and do what the ticket says.
Next thing I know I’m waking up from my sleep with an unbearable headache asking myself several questions, such as “where am I, how did I get here, and why do I have a headache”. Confused I look around this room I’m in and notice there are several pictures of myself with friends hanging on the wall.

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