Substance Abuse Among Teenagers

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Nicholas Silva Mrs. Jacomino English 1410 10 April, 2014 Substance Abuse In Young Teenagers Drinking and driving, smoking tobacco, or consuming drugs such as marijuana seems to be the new way to be cool in high school nowadays. It can make teenagers feel superior, but they don’t know that the happiness is only a mask, covering the true long-terms affects of what drugs and alcohol may do to you. It takes less than one minute to ruin your life using these illegal substances. The pressure can lead to choices teenagers may not want to take and this doesn’t only affect that child. Drug and alcohol abuse in teens today will affect the men and women they become tomorrow. High school parties, sometimes referred to as “raves” have become extremely popular among teenagers in the United States. Crowds in such parties may even reach the hundreds and vey rarely the thousands. With such an amount of people in a crowded space, many situations are taking place. Kids as young as thirteen are injecting themselves with needles containing heroin, sometimes not knowing what they’re ingesting into their bodies. Others are rolling up marijuana and getting high without knowledge of what it can do to them, thinking that weed doesn’t kill you or harm you, wrong! A most common excuse in raves for not smoking but drinking is “Alcohol isn’t as bas smoking or injecting”, wrong! There’s kids that go to parties to not feel left out and most of the time these kids are taken advantage of and here’s where the peer pressure kicks in. They’re offered drugs and they get scared to say no thinking that they will be considered losers by everybody. They take the drug or alcohol. That is all it takes to ruin your life as fast as possible without even knowing you’re d... ... middle of paper ... ...e dangerous (McArthur). All these choices lead to serious consequences, most of the time unconsidered by teenagers. These consequences can be social or in extreme cases, legal. The legal age for consuming alcohol is twenty-one. Anybody under the age of twenty one carrying or consuming alcohol can face a legal penalty of first offense with a $500 fine and up to two months in county jail. Social Penalties include school failure, violence and unsafe sex leading to even more problems on the legal side. All decisions have consequences, either positive or negative and reflect on the person’s quality of choices. Negative decisions lead to negative consequences and all positive decisions lead to better improvement of a person’s life, especially young adults in high school. Drugs abuse and alcohol abuse are destroying the men and women parents are molding for the future.

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