Leader Influence on Subordinate Behavior: An Organizational Approach

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Throughout the lesson on Leader Influence on Subordinate Behavior, I found Organizational Approaches to be the most important. Organizational approaches are most important to me because they are the aspects of work and stress that supervisors have the most control over. These approaches are things that I as a supervisor will control in order to maximize efficiency within the work center. When I first took over my flight’s support section, I overlooked many of the aspects of organizational approaches and paid the price. I assigned one individual who was slow and meticulous to a job that was fast paced. My failure at the aspect of “selection and placement” ended up causing all of the programs within his control to fail. Another person …show more content…

Upon returning to my shop, I will start with “Selection and Placement” to ensure that people and give the proper amount of responsibility based on the need for growth. I will give my current go-to shift leaders programs with the wiggle room to run the programs as they see fit. I will give more structured and straightforward programs to people who need less uncertainty in their daily lives. Once I have made the determinations regarding who is a good fit for which job, I will use “Goal Setting” to outline the exact standards that they are held to. These standards will push individuals to complete the mission while leaning on time management to get all required items accomplished. Next, I will turn to direct feedback to improve the “Organizational Communication” within my squadron. By having a sit down with people individually, I will be able to identify their roles and responsibilities to reduce doubt caused by overlapping of duties. I will have the same style of feedback sessions with my supervision in order to convey necessary information for my benefit as both a leader and their subordinate. As a last resort, I will lead anyone to the necessary “Wellness Programs” in order to assist in areas of struggle. These programs will ensure the people are capable of taking care of themselves. The programs are not a crutch for them to lean on throughout their

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