Student Stereotypes

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All throughout a student's life they are evaluated and constantly watched. It seems as though their peers are trying to find faults within them. This feeling of being watched and having to always be on your best behavior can be a difficult ideal to live up to. As a student, I have realized these things on my own, but it isn't all how the teachers view them but how their fellow students view them also. There are a lot of both hurtful and positive stereotypes out there about students, and it all depends on how you look at them.

Throughout my past three years of high school, I have gotten to know the true personality of a lot of my classmates. I must say that some of them need some major guidance in their lives while others have things more under control. I feel as though my classmates most of the time don't realize how quickly they will be out on their own, not having anyone to depend on. So in this sense a lot of them are …show more content…

I feel as though it is this way because there is so much external pressure put upon us that many feel they can not live up to. Also, students might feel as though they will never meet those expectations so a lot of them give up . A lot of students know that they are capable of what is being asked of them but do not want to put the effort forward. So as a group I feel students look upon themselves as less than what they truly are.

The body language a lot of students put forth especially in school is an I don't care attitude. Many think that they should or don't need to care or put forth the effort to do well. This is evident through their body language. In class, many have a closed off signal coming from how they present themselves, so showing they do not care. I have witnessed teachers giving up trying to teach a concept because of body language like this became when they put off this visual they don't care enough to keep the

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