Struggle To Success: The Movement Of Catching Bass

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Struggles to Success

Learning something and figuring it out might be the best feeling a person can have, especially when it comes to fishing. Not catching a single thing to catching a fish every ten minutes is a sensation that never gets old. From just being lucky to then not catching a single thing, and then catching bass is a feeling one can get used to. Catching bass is a difficult thing to do, but if you research and study the movement of the bass, it can get much easier and ten times more fun as well. When I was young, I would always just go out to my pond and throw on a spinnerbait and catch fish like no other. I remember catching big fish when my dad was shredding around the pond and him having come take the fish off. It was just that easy. But …show more content…

For example, plastic worms (senkos) is something I never thought would work. Now I would have to say it is my best bait. Another example is the frog, which is a top water bait. One would just reel it in while switching their speeds and the bass would just come and jump up out of the water to grab it. I would say the frog is my favorite bait to throw. The time of day when you fish is also a big factor along with the wind. The morning is probably the best time to fish because the wind is down and the fish are aggressive and hungry after they wake up. Right when the sun comes up is the best time to throw the top water baits like the frog or buzzbait. The fish can easily notice that there is something making a lot of noise and go and grab it. When the sun comes up higher is the best time to throw your underwater baits like the Senko. Before sunset and after sunset is another good time to fish, you can use the same tactics as in the morning and it should work just as good. For example, one morning, I was using the frog bait and I caught two four pound bass. That is a great morning if one can accomplish

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