Stress In My Life

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Stress comes in many shapes and forms, it comes with the job of being human. My sources of stress come from the major parts of my life; academic pressure, social settings, and time management. As a high school student, high school in general is very stressful, but not only am I high school student I am also a college student. Double the responsibility means double the stress.
The academic pressure is one of the major stress factors in my life. The academic environment is very competitive and everyone wants to be the best. Not only are am I competing with my peers, I am also competing with myself. I always want to exceed my expectations. Which can cause me to become anxious at times. The academic pressure has many sublevels to it. Making excellent grades, homework, projects, essays, online work, class scheduling, exams, and many other aspects that are involved with school. …show more content…

Time management cause major stress because half of the time it feels like there is not enough time to do anything that I enjoy or things that need to be done. I try to manage my time. The more I try to manage my time wisely I get stressed when things don 't get done according to the schedule or plan that I have planned for myself. Most people see it as controlling but I perceive it as working effectively. There are never enough hours in a day. Extracurricular activities, school, family, friends, church all take up time and it is very difficult to balance everything when there are only twenty-four hours in a day.
Stress affects my health I normally have minor headaches throughout my day, I tend to sleep a lot, during the cold season I get sick easily. My eating habits are irregular, anxiety levels are through the roof.

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