Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Roman Republic

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The Roman Republic was an extraordinary civilization with an exceptionally complex political system that still impact governments today. The Roman Republic comprised of three sections. The most astounding being the Consul that was made up of two male individuals who are chosen every year. Furthermore, there was the Senate made up of elder statesmen that exhorted the Consul and lastly there was the Assemblies where people voted by groups on issues. A couple of their strengths of the political system was its citizen association, in spite of the fact that plebeians really didn't have much power. Another strength of the political system was that it was administered and in view of well spelt out laws to maintain a strategic distance from cases of dictatorship. …show more content…

The weaknesses of the Roman Republic political system was its outside approaches that always had the Romans at war, which depleted its assets and hampered its capacity to represent itself. Thus it constrained the republic to withdraw from its convention and designate Julius Caeser as a dictator to manage the social and economic crisis it

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