Street Art Essay

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Art has been one of the most inspiring actions to humans throughout the whole history of mankind. Art represented in its various forms is regarded by many as the core of any act of beauty and reason. Different types of art have provoked many in life to pursue their goals and chase their dreams. In its proper residence, art can be very inspiring and provide a spectacular moment to the viewer. One of the most famous yet controversial types of art is the form of street art. Throughout the years, street art has been one of the most used tools in the expression of ideas. The popularity of street art has been in a continous increase as young generations sticked by it and used it as a platform for expressing themselves. Setting a time and a place for the birth of street or urban art is always a tricky question, as one could argue that its history is as old as humanity. Besides, it’s not that easy to find documentation about the development of street art and graffiti before the 1980s because of the way technology has transformed the way we study the past (Martin). Street art has evolved into different shapes as years passed by. Video projection is one form of street art that emerged strongly among youth where projection of different footage on the street or outside the theater was a way to express certain beliefs and values. Yarn bombing or Kniffiti is another form where paint or chalk on trees and light poles is replaced by colorful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn. Despite how beautiful or expressive this forms may be, but among many artists the king of street arts is without a doubt the form of Graffiti. With nearly 20,000 years of cultural evolution behind it, it’s still art by any other name and nothing s... ... middle of paper ... ... survived the passage of time which provoked people in australia to seek pereserving his work. Street arts not only was a form visual of art but it was also a source of inspiration for other aspects. Street art was considered by as a very important revolutionary tool that encourages many who seem to admire such art. Street arts have been the main influence to some unexpected events in mankind hisorty. Its rebellious character had a huge interference into the european politics. One of the most interesting aspects about Street arts used as a revoltionary tool was that they were done by anonymous people who had no other intention that supporting the cause they believe in. Society was not only the target oif this propaganda, but it started to be the producer of it, creating a very interesting and anonymous dialogue (Thinking About the Origins of Street Art).

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