Stolen Day Compare And Contrast

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7th Grade and Stolen Day Essay Both of the boys have problems they must work out. The boys make it through the day by knowing what to do at certain points in the story.In the stories “Seventh Grade by Gary Soto and ‘“Stolen Day by sherwood Anderson there are similarities and differences between Victor and the Narrators problems, lessons and character traits. There are similarities and differences between the boys traits in the stories. Both of the boys are very determined to do something. They both have something in the story they will accomplish like Victor from “Seventh Grade” and The Narrator from “Stolen Day.” Both of the boys are very nervous in their situations and what’s going to happen. Victor is very nervous about impressing Teresa and The Narrator is very nervous about getting inflammatory Rheumatism. One difference is one boy is very scared in his story and the other boy is very eager. The boy that is eager is Victor because he is eager to talk to Teresa, The other boy, the narrator is very scared about what will happen and he does not want to see anyone in his story. These are some reasons the boys are similar and different. …show more content…

Victor is trying to impress a girl, he tries to bump into her or pretend to speak french to impress her. The boy thinks he has Inflammatory Rheumatism, he aches everywhere and lays outside and doesn’t want anyone to know because they will make fun of him. They both have to make it through a day, they both have a problem they must work out through the day. These are similarities and differences between the boys

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