Stigmas Of Mental Health

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Mental health is defined, according to the Oxford Dictionary, as a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being. The idea of mental health is constantly subject to changes based on social values and beliefs of individual responsibility. Perceptions of the topic change more than any other category of clinically recognized issues. Many people believe mental illnesses are not as severe as individuals claim and can be fixed by just a change of mindset, forcing people affected to adapt without guidance or aid. Society cannot fully grasp what mental health and related illnesses are and the degree of their effects on the day to day life of individuals, which is why people affected face many stigmas. The lack of knowledge …show more content…

As with cancer or heart disease, mental illnesses are often physical as well as emotional and psychological. Mental illnesses may be caused by a reaction to environmental stresses, genetic factors, and biochemical imbalances. Most of the public does not believe mental health issues exists, and sees them as only excuses for unfit actions and laziness. They do not understand the cause and extent of effects on individuals, or what mental disorders actually are. Depression is perceived as extreme levels of emotion, bipolarity as constant mood swings, and anxiety as being nervous for a presentation or job interview. These are issues every person faces, so why should those who are labeled as affected by a mental disorder receive special treatment, while the rest of the population struggles with the same situations? The argument of the critic is not viable because mental health issues are not so simple and easy. A change of thinking or constant exposure is not going to resolve mental health issues. People affected by mental health issues deserve extra care because: depression, is having no motivation to get out of bed and feeling constantly empty, bipolarity is having no control of one’s thoughts or emotions and feeling trapped, anxiety is being too afraid of leaving the house for fear of being judged, shaking, feeling frantic, and not being able to breath. Mental …show more content…

School boards need to teach the subject, the dark perception of mental disorders needs to be lifted, and judgements need to be removed. In order for people to understand the issue, affected individuals need to be able to feel safe to speak out. Friends and families need to make an effort to understand mental disorders to provide support instead of derogatory labels. Teachers should provide extra time and accommodated assignments to reduce intensity of mental health issues within students. Mental illnesses are not the same as physical illnesses, therefore they should not be treated the same. Mental disorders are serious illnesses but they cannot be solved by natural sciences and medication. Increase of education and support is the solution to mental health issues and stigmas, because they will create an understanding within society. Only understanding the situation will spark support for research and treatments. The most prominent issue which stresses mental disorders is the lack of understanding which leaves affected individuals isolated. There has been more awareness of mental health through prominent figures speaking out, the creation of organizations such as DART, NIMH, and SPEAK at Central Academy, and increased funds such as the National Mental Health Fund. Progress still needs to be continuously made to resolve mental health stigmas and

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