Statement of Purpose

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The advancement of humanity requires constant effort to know the unknown. Chemists do the interesting job of studying the composition of matter and its properties. Investigating what constitutes the things around us and extracting the useful knowledge from it has always proved beneficial to mankind. I became fascinated by studying chemistry during my last two years of high school. Pursuing my interest, in 2006, I started my bachelors program at Taibah University. Madinah, Saudi Arabia, then in 2012, I started my masters program at Sacred Heart University with expected graduation in Dec 2014. In fact, the education at Taibah University and Sacred Heart University deepened my understanding of chemistry.

In 2010, I received a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Taibah University. My undergrad research was done with Professor Fethi Kooli. His supervision and guidance helped me to refine my knowledge of chemistry. This particular work was of great help in writing my research thesis on “Studies of acid activated clay as an adsorption material of Eucine dye”. The idea of my re...

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