Starry Night

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Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch post-impressionist artist born in Groot-Zundert, Holland on March 30, 1853. He is the pioneer who paved the way for the expressionist era and had a big influence on twentieth century art. Vincent Van Gogh's "The Starry Night" (1989) has proven to be an outstanding demonstration of how emotions can be conveyed through color and brushstroke. It was one of his most famous art pieces that was created and one of the last major paintings he ever produced in which was the earliest examples of expressionism. The painting was his depiction of his view of his asylum window at Saint-Rémy (he admitted himself for his safety and the safety of those around him). The painting depicts a small town that is against a blue and vast night sky filled with eleven bright stars . Starry Night is a product of Van Gogh’s encounter with his personal religious connections and isolation of which convey van Gogh’s expressionism in creating his unique view of reality.

During his life time he had only was able to sell one painting during his lifetime. Many Art critics at the time, ...

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