Spirt Leadership

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When you play a team sports, you need leadership, team work, a positive attitude, a competitive spirt and time management skills. Team work comes in handy when you and your team are trying to pull out a win in a tough situation. Being part of a team takes flexibility and the ability to lead and follow. I am a team player not only on the field but off the field as well. I stay engaged and lead by example. I will bring a positive attitude to Saint Francis High because this is something I have learned to be very important over time. Controlling what I can control, is the first step in my success and I can control how I approach any situation. Again either on the field or in the classroom, I will be sure to remain positive. Having a competitive spirt is another characteristic I will bring to Saint Francis. Being able to work hard for what you want is something I learned when I was very young. I have seen my sister compete first hand and see the intensity she brings to her game of softball. It has helped …show more content…

I take pride in winning and learn from losing and respect my opponent. I see the pride my family takes while watching me play and this feels right. Growing up in a family where everyone played sports, who were all competitive and unwilling to give up on anything and who wanted to win and finish the job no matter what the conditions were, I feel, has started to prepared me for the challenges I will face at Saint Francis High School. But most of all I will bring an open mind. One that will hope to see first hand the ways of a Holy Cross high school and will learn over the next four years more of the schools traditions and with the assistance of teachers and peers. There is no doubt in my mind that I will work hard to be a model student athlete. Given the opportunity to become a Lancer will give me an opportunity to learn more about giving

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