Space Exploration by the United States

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Space exploration by the United States has been going on since the early nineteen hundreds. The impacts of space exploration can vary from being the first country ever to land on the moon, to having satellites orbit our planet. Despite the achievements space exploration has given to this country, there are many issues—with money, extraterrestrial threats, and the lack of a reason for funding—at hand that should be addressed to make decisions about the future of space exploration in the United States. Money is a big deal to most people in this world. Putting money in the right place is something our nation has been struggling with in the past few years. In 2006, “...almost $17 billion will fly into NASA's coffers with about $5.3 billion dedicated to space exploration” (Source E). Giving 17 billion dollars to a company is a large sum of money. Only 31 percent of that sum will be put into space exploration. Space exploration is important, but giving NASA 17 billion dollars is far too high. There are other important things some of that money could be put towards, like our national debt...

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