Soundtrack 63 Music Report

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Soundtrack '63 is a live, multimedia musical performance and retrospective of the African-American experience in America. It is an artistic survey of the past that gives context to the present day condition and asks important questions about our future. The performance was very powerful and the way it took the audience on a journey from Slavery to the current times kept the audience engaged. The performance was empowering to see because we often forget the history of our nation and think everything is very jolly. The performance was a reminder of where we have come as a nation. From slavery to the civil rights and black panther movement. The journey guides the audience from the slave ships to the first black president of the United States and the Black Lives Matter movement. I think the most impressive thing was the fact that the performance had an orchestra of several types of musical instruments and singers. I enjoyed the musical acts and poetry that was on the show as well. The images were very impactful because the lead performer, Chen Lo would rap about black power while the images were being projected right behind. The poetry verses were so …show more content…

It was very awakening to see what had happened to a kid whose only crime was whistling at a white woman. It was very upsetting to see the pictures of the hangings as well. I had previously seen some of these pictures but there were brought into a new light in the performance and it was overwhelming. One story that stuck with me was the story of Ruth Shilsky who was a Polish immigrant who moved to the Suffolk as a child and encountered racism and prejudices all thought her life. The fact that she was able to have forgiveness in her heart even after all the suffering she has been through makes her really inspiring. I think her experience as a minority in this country shows how it can be for people who are

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