Song Of The Pearl Sparknotes

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Initially, Kino was seen as an all around good guy. He provided for his family, was in love with his wife, and had a desire to do anything for his child. Before the pearl, Kino was family oriented and content. In the first chapter evidence of his satisfaction were evident. Music played a large role in this. The novella states that the mixture of Juana’s singing, the Song of the Family, and the ultimate peace was described to Kino as the “Whole”, which meant that everything was in place and that Kino needed nothing else. Kino’s first act of honorable violence was when Coyotito was stung by the scorpion. Throughout the time Kino was killing the scorpion, Juana was tending to Coyotito. While Kino was hesitant, he acquiesced when Juana insisted …show more content…

Kino is a fisherman and pearl diver. He relies so heavily on it that he calls it his, “bulwark against starvation”. When Kino is desperate for funds to help his son he goes pearl diving. Under the Sea he is greeted by the Song of the Pearl but believes it is too good to be true. When at the surface Kino is skeptical of opening the oyster but Juana pushes him to open it . What he sees is something he never imagined, it is the pearl of the world. Right when Kino opens the pearl Juana sees that Coyotito is getting better. To Kino and Juana the pearl had now become a sign of good luck and a sign of hope. Kino still wants to use the pearl to help his son and his motives are …show more content…

Juana asks Kino if he thinks they will be safe and Kino lies to Juana for the sake of the pearl. Kino says he sees the rifle, marriage, and education in the pearl but he really sees destruction and devastation. Later on they see the trackers and Juana insists on going with Kino up the mountains. As a family, the make a camp of the cave and rest. Kino sees the opportunity to escape the trackers and forms a plan. As Juana prays Kino is moving down very slowly and carefully. Unfortunately, Coyotito lets out a noise which cause the trackers to shoot. At this point Kino kills the first two trackers. When faced with the last one he shoots the tracker in between the eyes. As he rushes to Juana he feels something is wrong. Coyotito is

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