Evolution of the American Dream: 1950s vs 2015

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The American dream has changed between the 1950s and 2015 as the industrial revolution changed everyday life for a the 1950s society as households changed due to dual income families were able to live with the luxurious homes and appliances. These ideal ways of living forced upon men and women with crass consumerism ran rampant like the bubonic plague in the fourteenth century. Having generations for people being socialized to be humanistic and greedy and to throw out the community structure of society the extent of social interactions between others is to gloat or gain joy from having more than others. Now we in present day these humanistic principals are magnified times one thousand millennial are expected by society to hike up a mountain during a avalanche the mountain is just schooling to get a job the pays well we get an education not because we want to be desperately what to be accepted into society …show more content…

If we scale our way up to two thousand feet we find people working towards graduate degree just to get a job we are selling our souls to society to be claimed as a successful people as we keep scaling the mountain we find people getting their degrees based on job promotions or job security. The avalanche is an accumulation of debit that we accrue by taking out school loans at an interest rate that increases our debt at an expedited rate. Millennial’s socialized to love and embrace the technological boom marketing to the millennial populace is based heavily on reified conceptual drawings passed off as innovation and exuberant brilliance. The millienal’s American dream is unachievable because we have to have a society whispering spells into our ears to be highly educated, live in absolute luxury and being extremely

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