Social Work Video Summary

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1. The main message in the video is that everyone in their life as some point in time is going to need a social worker. Throughout the video Anna Scheyett explains that social workers are not just there for people who are at their lowest, but social workers are there for anyone with any type of need; whether that is with a new child, funeral care, or even when it comes to a normal high school situation. She wants everyone to know that social workers can be super heroes as well. She explains that even though they do not were a cape or have super powers, social workers have the exact same job as superman, and that job is to help people and save lives. Also, Dr. Schyett goes further in the video by explaining that social workers are there to help other people find their “super powers”. What she means by this is that, social workers help people find their strengths in themselves. Everyone has a strength, and a social can be helpful in finding that strength …show more content…

The thing that I learn from this video is that even though some social worker have relatively small job, if these jobs were to vanish it would make a big impact on the world. In the video Dr. Schyett explains about some of the social work jobs that are out there, and how much they can help. For example, she explains about when a baby is born and the parents have no idea what they are doing, that there is a social worker for that. This social worker is there to make sure the parents get out of the dept. from the hospital, find the right car seat for the baby, and know little things that are supposed to know when raising said baby. To me it is surprising that even though these jobs that these social worker have may seem small, they play a big role in our society. I wonder what would happen one day if these people were to just quit their job, and no one had these social workers to help them out in these situations. There would be a lot of chaos in the world and a lot of people not knowing how to do certain

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