Social Weddings

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The advent of social media has allowed us to share our most important moments with the entire world. While it is nice to share your most precious memories with others and to see what amazing events are occurring in your friend 's life, social media has also challenged our perception of what is considered a normal life. It seems as if everything has become a competition where you have to prove you live the most exciting, meaningful, engaging life among your social circle. Everyone is constantly sharing the new restaurant they went to, the amazing people they are meeting, the beautiful places they are traveling, and weddings are no exception.

More than anything, it seems as if weddings have become a competition of sorts, the goal to see who …show more content…

Weddings are not a competition. Weddings should not be what other people say they should be. You should not compare your wedding to other people 's weddings. Your wedding should be something unique and meaningful to you.

Why is it important for you to show off to other people how great your wedding was, anyways? First reconsider what the purpose of a wedding is. The wedding is a ceremony that confirms your marriage with your loved one. It was not intended for you to show off to the world, it was intended to formalize your connection to the partner you love and trust.

When you 're with the person you love, does finding a better location than your sister 's marriage matter? Does having a more colorful dress mean anything? Do you really want to spend your wedding getting criticism by people who don 't really matter to you? Or would you rather share this important and intimate moment with your close friends and family, who shouldn 't care about the choices you made about your wedding?

All the money in the world will buy you everything buy the most important aspect - a genuine love and connection between you and your partner.Weddings should be about the people first, everything else …show more content…

Ask yourself this: if you only mimic the wedding ceremonies of other people, and if your goal is to one up other weddings, what does this suggest about the meaning of the wedding to you? Rather than letting outside influences decide and dictate how your wedding is carried out, you ought to plan something that is meaningful you. Society should not define what is important to you; you and your partner should decide what is important to the both of you.

Third, forget tradition. Not all weddings have to be the same. Like I said, it 's not a competition. No one is evaluating your wedding with a checklist and scorecard. Have fun with your wedding and be creative! Here are some wedding outfits that broke tradition.

Do you think these people cared about proving to other people they had the best wedding? Or do you think they just decided to have the wedding that most reflects their personalities, wants, and interests? Don 't be afraid of what other people might think, it 's your wedding and your

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