Social Process Approach To The Study Of Crime

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In this essay we will be discussing socialization and crime. The social process approach consists of three individualistic branches. The three branches are Social Learning Theory, Social Control Theory, and Social Reaction Theory also known as Labeling Theory. The social process approach is an individual’s socialization which determines the likelihood of criminality.
The first individualistic branch we will be discussing is Social learning theory. Social learning theory believes that people learn criminal behavior by their relationships in which they deal with people and peers as well as their family member. They also believe that the environment that they are raised in reflects their learning ability in a social aspect and how it relates to crime. There are three distinguished forms of Social Learning Theory which are differential association theory (people commit crime because they do not have a social life at all), differential reinforcement theory (criminals should not be rewarded for deviance because it increases their chances of committing more crime), …show more content…

Social Control Theory believes that people have control over there life and the choices that they make in life. That people choose to become a criminal or become an abiding citizen based off of their commitment to individuals. For example, I love my children to death and I believe that they can do anything that they put their minds to, but my youngest child is afraid of disappointing me so her mind is focused on doing the right thing and not stealing or committing any kind of crime because she know that it would really disappoint me so by doing the right thing she is showing social control because of her commitment to me and the social bond that we have. I believe that this theory is not based on the environment but based on control and social commitment that people have with each other or even with their school or

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