Social Media In Malaysia Essay

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Technology in Malaysia have been develop rapidly. According to Oxford Dictionary, technology can be defined the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. Today there are many technology that being invented by human. Every day there are many new technology being invented to help people in their daily task for example, in their work such as internet to communicate and find information. One of the technology that give big impact to human is social media. According to Oxford Dictionary, social media can be defined as website and application that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. Malaysia is one of the country that love to use social media. User of social media …show more content…

We absolutely cannot use social media as platform to insult people if we have any problem with others. Be matured and think smart. We should use social media wisely. This is because social media have many benefits that can help us. It is good to use social media but some people use social media for wrong purpose. It is quite sad to see people misuse social media because it can give many benefits to us. With this cases some people think social media is bad and can influence bad things to citizens. So they reject social media in their life. So it is quite lost for them because social media can give many benefits, because of certain irresponsible people that use social media for purpose. Besides that, people use social media to influence people towards bad things. Supposedly we can use media to spread kindness and information. Social media is one of the main medium in Malaysia to spread things. This is because Malaysian citizens used social media as main medium for everything. So people kind to misuse this things to spread bad things such as hatred towards people, royalty and leaders. This can influence young generations to make the same things. As we know young generations are tend to follow older people. The probability for them to influence are high. We did not want our new generations that have bad thinking. Next things to be concerned is our citizens tend to believe easily things in social media without know either it is true or not. They just …show more content…

Besides that parents and teacher need to always remind their children and students about important of social media and misuse of social media. Government also need to take part in preventing this cases. Government need to take initiative with made many campaign to open citizen mind that this is something that we cannot take lightly, for example, government can create advertisements about misuse of social media and important of social media in radio, television and other platform. Besides that government need to tighten the law about cybercrime. Some of citizens did not see the punishment can affect them such as they can just pay the fined and repeat the same mistake. So government need to give heavier punishment. We as citizens cannot fully rely on government in this kind of things. We as citizens need to take our own initiatives such as use social media wisely and be role model to other

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