Social Judgment Theory And Social Judgement Theory

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Social Judgment Theory (SJT) also known as Social Judgment Involvement are “messages and judgments that occurs at the perception and evaluation of every new idea by comparing it with present point of view and placed on the attitude scale in the mind” (Griffin 2009, p.183). Social Judgment Theory can be evaluated of three criteria: predictive power, explanatory power, and testability. Social Judgment Theory is an elegant conception of the persuasion process. Social Judgment Theory is a believable theory that can be predicted, explanatory, and tested.
SJT is based on things that are thought about which should or could have happen. This theory is how people judges messages that are received. Individuals either accept or reject the message that is given to see where the attitude outcome will land on the scale of latitude. There are three latitude scales that the idea can be rated on: latitude of acceptance, latitude of rejection and latitude of non-commitment. “Latitude of acceptance is ideas that people see as reasonable or worthy of consideration. Latitude of rejection is the opposite ideas of latitude of acceptance. It is the ideas that people see as unreasonable or objectionable. Latitude of non-commitment is ideas that peoples see as neither acceptable nor objectionable” (Griffin 2009, p. 185). The scale of latitude leads the persuasion of a two-step process.
The first step is that individuals hear or read a message and figure out where the message falls within their position. The second step involves individuals adjusting to a particular attitude either toward or away from the message that have been received. For instance Ned’s viewpoint of flying, “flying is dangerous because fanatics are willing to die for their cause” (G...

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...f the chart where Sherif’s son attitude on the scale of latitude falls on the rejection side that it is safe.
In conclusion, SJT definitely evaluated the three criteria: predictive power, explanatory power, and testability. SJT was a reliable and believable theory that was predicted, explained, and tested based on real life examples. This theory was good theory that tested people’s attitude towards thing that are being thought about and things that are being done physically. SJT shows how people judges’ thing in their minds and by sight. SJT is used in everyday even we do not recognize it or realize that others are doing it. Everyone is going to send out a message indicating that that someone is being judge by a look or what going on in the mind. The scale of latitude pretty much helps people understand where others attitudes lie when it comes to someone’s opinion.

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