Social Emotional Development

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There are numerous studies have demonstrated that social and emotional exist for preschool children enhancing their social and emotional development skill to improve over the years. In addition, one of the main key points surrounding this solution deals primarily with how children are associated with the levels of social and development and how well the children can control their temperament behavior. Many of these studies have calculated that social and emotional performed increased in the circumstances then they were in the past. Social-Emotional development is one of the best condition that the child can experience in the environment the child is at. In the preschool years, children are aware of the emotion each of the peers have and others reaction. The children are beginning to understand their feelings of emotions and control the feeling as well regards to self- regulation. Moreover, Arslan, E., Durmusoglgu-Saltali, N., & Yilmaz, H. (2011) investigated that children who has emotional, behavioral traits, and social skills has enhance in their development progress. In recent years, there has been a substantial increase in studies related to children dealing with this social and emotional development domain. For instance, Liew (2012) state that the temperament behavior are not events that happen instantaneously; rather they are long term processes that are composed of a sequence of potentially of self-regulations skills to adapt the child into their academic achievement success with their “school readiness.” The children are continuing to get to know their feelings more and adjusts to them. Moreover, according to Fuhs, Farran, D.C., & Nesbitt (2013), it can be either a good or bad point in comments that children influence and... ... middle of paper ... they want to learn. I felt that the DRDP help me a lot focusing better on the child. I know what to look for, and understand where the child is at. Even though it was time consuming, I feel much better using the DRDP. It determines the child strength and weaknesses. I really did not like this assessment tool because I do not know, if I did it right. I try my best with this assessment. Hopefully, next time I do better on it. Also, it was time consuming that I could not get all the information on it. Since, I am more familiar with the DRDP than the observation worksheet data and analysis. I would chose the DRDP better; even though, it is also time consuming, but I already know how to use it. It is very conveniently for teachers because the teacher will know what to include in their activities for the child to master the level and comprehend the material.

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