Soccer Captain Speeches

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As captain of my high school’s soccer team, I encourage my team to do their best in every game, I discipline them, and I show them respect and teamwork. These are very important elements to the team because without discipline there's no team and if there is no discipline there's no respect. I learn a lot from my teammates also and their always there for me when I’m in trouble or I need something. A team is a group of people that share a special bond with each other. At first, We might have some difficulties along the road but in the end we are a family. I am no longer a captain but a team member to my family. I discipline the younger soccer players because I used to be a freshmen and I was lost in high school until I meet the soccer players …show more content…

I was really shy in my classes and In lunch i'll usually sit with the people that came with me from Macarthur. Then when I join cross country, everything change because I meet new people and I made new friends. I overcome this by opening myself more to this school. I join cross country, soccer, and track & field and when I was doing those sports I had made my new family. This didn’t really affect my academic achievement because It mostly motivated me more to do better in school because as a freshmen I was trying to get in at Segerstrom High School and to get in I always said to myself to do better than the rest. However, when I got accepted to Segerstrom as a sophomore, I went for a day and I honestly didn’t like it. I got to attach with my friends at Saddleback and I decided to return to Saddleback. I learn that everything happens for a reason and that’s what motivates me everyday because not knowing what’s going to happen today or tomorrow makes my life interesting and exciting because I want to live life to the fullest with no

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