Snow Symbolism In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Another symbol Lee incorporated into the story is the snow. It symbolizes Tom Robinson’s trial and the conflicts that arise from it. Snow was a new experience for Scout, and she didn’t quite understand it at first. In fact, the first time she saw it falling from the sky, she exclaimed, “The world’s endin’ Atticus! Please do something-” (Lee 86). In the same way that the snow allowed Scout to witness something unfamiliar, the trial introduced her to the ideas of racism and discrimination, which were previously alien to her. The snow and the trial also relate, because Scout relied on Atticus to help her understand and cope with the events going on around her. This is supported in the previous quote when Scout begs Atticus to stop the world from ending. The correlation is also supported when Scout is conversing with Atticus and asks him, “What exactly is a Negro-lover?(Lee 144)” In both instances, she trusts and relies on Atticus to help her figure out what is happening.The most significant way that the trial and snow relate, however, lies with the snowman. Since there wasn’t enough snow, Scout and Jem made the snowman out of mud and then covered it up with the snow.Later, however, a fire melted the snow away and left a pile of mud. …show more content…


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