Smoking Policy Essay

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This essay will look into a health policy that is related to reducing smoking in the UK. The essay will also look into explaining different approaches and policies. This includes the latest strategies and researches that are being used by Department of health to support the policy.
This health policy is discussing and trying to reduce the amount of people smoking in the UK. Cigarette smoking is the single most cause of illness and premature death in the United Kingdom. The issue that this policy by Department Of Health (2013) is trying to tackle is that smoking causes nearly 80,000 deaths in England during 2011. Also each year there is 9,500 children bought into hospital with illnesses related to second hand smoking.
Research done by ASH (2010) shows that it costs the NHS £2.7 billion a year to treat diseases caused by smoking. The NHS also spends over £5 billion to treat illnesses and help smokers quit with their advisers, counselling and treatments. NHS (2013) have worked out that treating cancer caused by smoking has had a cost of £0.6bn a year, also it has costs £1.5bn to treat long term lung conditions. With the development of this policy and the NHS stop smoking campaigns, Ash (2013) say the NHS save an estimated £380 million a year. This is because of thing like the ban on tobacco advertising and the stop smoking services that has left fewer people smoking.
ASH (2013) says when research was started on smoking in 1948 the amount of men smoking in the UK was 82% and 41% in women. These stats stayed consistent the 1970’s, where it dropped to 51% for men and 41% for women. From 1974 to 1990 the amount of men smoking dropped to 30% and 26% for women. In modern times starting from 1990 there has been a slow increase in smokers, ...

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...king is the main cause for shorter life expectancy for youths living in deprived areas. This is why stopping adults smoking first will help children. Children smoke more easily depending on their parent’s views on smoking.
A well-structured health policy is on that has the power to instantly be effective and appeals to people all from different backgrounds. Research is carried out a lot by different organisation and certain procedures need to be put in place to make the research valid and able to use in the policy statements. After this all the information for policies has to be analysed and judge on by different authorities and approaches.
Since smoking amongst people increased in the 1970’s policies that have been made to reduce smoking have been helpful and have had an effect. The amount of smokers in males and female shave decreased slowly in the past few decade

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