Slavery: Article Analysis

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It has recently come to my attention an article talking about the worth of slavery and what should be done with them. Before I found the value of African Americans, I used to think they were born to be slaves and didn’t have any kind of human rights just because of their color, but I recently was enlightened and I started viewing African Americans as humans which made me give up being a slave owner and become a supporter of giving African Americans rights and no longer having slaves. Anyways, what came to my attention, as a former slave owner, is how the article talked about how slaves should be treated and handled. I believe slaves should be treated with respect and handle as a person who has all the rights you may have as a human being. I was recently made aware of Ms. Harriet Jacobs and I was horrified of what people do to slaves and how they treat them. Ms Jacobs was harassed by a slave owner and she …show more content…

Some examples or reasons why this is my belief is because of the amount of damage slavery could do to not just a human's body but to their mind as well. Humans who are slaves are mistreated and belittled everyday and force to work everyday of their lives and, if they don’t do what they are told to do, they are whipped and beaten and then are forced to work in that same condition they are in after being beaten. Some try to run away from where they are and try to go to the other states where slavery is banned but are hunted like an animal. A way slavery could affect a human's mind is by watching loved ones being mistreated, watching how tons of your kind are killed because of not doing what they are told to do. Another reason I think slavery should be ended is because slavery goes against everything America stands for. America stands for freedom and rights to all humans but slavery challenges the idea of america standing for those

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