Similarities Between The Kite Runner And The Book Thief

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The Kite Runner and The Book Thief are a grasping read epitomizing the intensity of affection, devotion and humanity, the power of good over the evil. In The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, Max, who is Erik’s son, who comes from a Jewish family is being kept with Hans so he can be protected from the Nazis while Hans risks his life. The same thing happens in The Kite Runner when Amir's father allows Hassan's family to live with them while also treating them well, which was a sign of bravery at that time. In The Book Thief and The Kite Runner, both authors were able to create hope through the brave people that stood up to help others who were being discriminated against. As power is in the hands of the wrong people, propaganda also plays a big role …show more content…

In The Kite Runner, Baba, the father of Amir sets a good example from his kindness to the Hazara individuals, despite the fact that they are historically disparaged and oppressed. Throughout story, it is seen that the status and ethnicity of a person determines who they will be in the community, and little can be changed. The Hazaras are completely oppressed by the Pashtuns and are categorized as less important therefore; they are denied basic rights and have extremely low social status. Amir's Father allows Hassan's family to live with them while also treating them well. "Huddled together in the dining room and waiting for the sun to rise, none of us had any notion that a way of life had ended. Our way of life. If not quite yet, then at least it was the beginning of the end" (Hosseini, 33-34). This quote expresses the fear Amir’s family and Hassan’s family had to face. Hazaras shouldn’t have to go through just because their background is different, rather everyone should work together to create better lives and improve on their selves. Amir's Father allows Hassan's family to live with them while also treating them well. In the end of both novels, Max which was Jewish and Hassan which was a Hazara, they both pass away while not being able to change society or see change in their

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