Similarities Between The Crucible And Mccarthyism

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McCarthyism was a big story in the 1950s and so was The Crucible in the 1952. The Crucible reflects some of the thing that were happening during the “red scare.” In this time period both stories reflect selfishness and power. McCarthy wanted to gain power or get a higher level, and in The Crucible the accusers were accusing those that had more land than they did. McCarthy got the nation scared of communism and in The Crucible the accuser were making everyone scared of witchcraft. In the 1950s, the “red scare” was happening. This is when people thought that America was going to probably become a Communist. So Senator McCarthy decided to do something about it. He started to accuse everyone who read or did something unusual, so that they would be put on the “Blacklist,” a list of those who had somewhat with Communism. A lot of innocent people were accused, including actors and producers. In February 1950n Senator McCarthy believed there were about 200 communist in the Department of state. (McCarthy, 1954) …show more content…

Murrow has decided to take on McCarthy along with his team. Murrow wanted to show McCarthy that not everyone he was accusing was part Communism. Murrow took on this challenging job to show people who McCarthy really was. He knew this might take his job away, but he was willing to do it. Other news articles read “The Times Herald of Washington: Senator McCarthy's behavior towards Zwicker not justified…” They knew that McCarthy was starting that were innocent. The Milwaukee Journal said: “The line must be drawn and defended or McCarthy will become the government…” People were starting to realize that McCarthy was wrong in naming all this people as part of

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