Similarities Between King Arthur And Lanval

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I’ll be comparing King Arthur and Lanval’s approaches to the generosity/gift giving. This is where Lanval demonstrates how generous ruler should act. In lines (205-212) it says “There was no knight in the city who really needed a place to stay, whom he didn’t invite to join him. Lanval gave rich gifts. Lanval released prisoners. Lanval dressed jongleurs. Lanval offered great honors. Arthur, the brave and the courtly king was staying at Cardoel, because the Scots and the Picts were destroying the land. The king gave out many rich gifts: to counts and barons, members of the Round Table- such a company had no equal in all the world- he distributed wives and lands, to all but one who had served him. That was Lanval; Arthur forgot him. Lines (2-19). No men favored Lanval either for his valor, for his generosity, his beauty and his bravery, most men envied him. The men envied Lanval because of what Lanval was capable of doing and how other people treated him. People saw Lanval differently from other Kings because he was the son of a king so there would be other people that can be jealous of someone else and then would try to get you in trouble with anything and make other people believe that you're the bad guy. The people see king Arthur as the good guy making things good but Lanval the bad guy …show more content…

When the knights saw Lanval with the queen they told him to walk along with them. The king returned back and she began to complain to him that Lanval had dishonored her, insulted her, and refused the love. The king got very angry and swore an oath that if Lanval could not defend himself in court he would have him burned or hanged. Lanval was calling for his love again and again. He was thinking of everything that happen with Queen Guinevere that he had betrayed their affair but knew that he was disturbed and in troubled. Lanval’s complain to his love did him no good because she was not there to save him. Lines

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