Similarities Between Gatsby And Othello

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I believe that Jay Gatsby and Othello’s inability to face the truth lead to their tragic consequences, but in real life I believe it is not the case. The Great Gatsby and ‘Othello’ are both stories beautifully constructed by William Shakespeare and F. Scott Fitzgerald. I believe that the refusal to face the truth for Gatsby and Othello, was definitely an element used by the authors to construct them as tragic protagonists.

Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby is an ambitious and hopeful character. He is the protagonist of the novel and he is pursuing an unrealistic dream, thinking that Daisy Buchanan was a nature of perfection that could not possibly be real. He believes in the idea that he could change the past and the future. In Chapter 7, page 154; Gatsby waited outside of Daisy 's house on a needless vigil until she went to bed, he does not realize that his dream is not a reality. He thinks that by waiting outside her house guarding her, he might get a glimpse of Daisy. Daisy is perfection to …show more content…

Othello is also the protagonist of the play, nevertheless he was still considered the hero as well. Othello’s refusal to face reality lead to his downfall. His flaw is his insecurities as a Moor and his inability to accept the success he has earned, the importance he has places in his honour and reputation caused his ultimate downfall. Iago easily manipulated Othello because Iago knows Othello’s flaw. Othello cannot stand the thought of his reputation being marred as a general and a Moor in the Venetian army. Like a soldier, honour was what Othello hold dear to his heart. Although Othello is a highly respected general in the Venetian army, he is still a Moor. Because he has been a soldier his entire life, his way of thinking have affected his confidence in perception. As a black man in a white people’s world Othello was discriminated and considered an

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