Similarities Between Depression And Anxiety

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A vast majority of people struggle with Depression, Anxiety, or in some cases both. What many do not recognize is how much those monsters impact one’s life. When dealing with Anxiety, many believe that is just a panic attack or “butterflies” that make you nervous. They do not comprehend that it is an abundant more than that. Amanda Seyfried once stated about her anxiety, “It's sad, actually, because my anxiety keeps me from enjoying things as much as I should at this age” (Seyfried 1). Her anxiety held her back from doing the things that she enjoyed. Her anxiety caused her sadness. Her anxiety caused her to separate her from others her age. Anxiety can cause an individual to attract Depression as well. Depression and Anxiety commonly go hand in hand because of the simple fact that Anxiety causes you to stop doing the things you enjoy or to separate yourself from others; thus causing Depression to take interest in the individual. …show more content…

They believe that it is just that you feel sad. They do not understand that it goes further than that. Joyce Meyer once said, “Depression begins with disappointment. When disappointment festers in our soul, it leads to discouragement” (Meyer 1). Joyce describes Depression to disappointment and discouragement. Although she is correct, there is still more to Depression than what she can even comprehend. Although there are an abundant of characteristics that Depression and Anxiety have are extremely similar, they vary more than what the majority realize. Before one is even able to begin understanding The Monsters’ similarities and differences, they must first know the correct definition of them. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines Anxiety in two different ways; • fear or nervousness about what might happen,

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