Similarities Between Booker T. Washington And W. E. B. Dubois

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African-Americans that lived in 18th and 19th century lived in a time of prejudice-ness and discrimination. Those that were African-American during that time faced hatred, racism, and many economics, social, and political--than any other group challenging their own oppressed status and seeking reform. Although they weren’t slaves anymore they still were mistreated and were not seen as equals by most Caucasians. This eventually lead to many African-Americans to get “fed up” and decide to take a stand. They fought for African-Americans to be seen as an equal to Caucasians and to have the same rights that Caucasians do. Two of the leaders I will be comparing today are Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois. Both men had different views and ways to solve the race issues. The ideas to solve the race issues were heavily influenced by their backgrounds.

Booker T.Washington {1856-1915} was born in Hale’s Ford, …show more content…

DuBois was born in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. He was born and lived in the North. Unlike most blacks living in the South, he had suffered neither severe economic hardship nor repeated encounters with racism. Du Bois, in comparison to Washington, had never known slavery. As violence against blacks increased in the South throughout the 1880s, Du Bois's scholarly education was matched by the difficult lessons he learned about race relations. Through his experiences with poor blacks and encounters with racial hatred, Du Bois began to develop his racial consciousness and the desire to help improve the conditions of his race. With The Souls of Black Folk, Du Bois openly attacked Washington's philosophy of the Atlanta Compromise. He objected to Washington's strategy of accommodation and compromise with whites in both politics and education. He accused Washington of encouraging white efforts to impose segregation and of unnecessarily limiting the aspirations of the blacks. DuBois demanded civil rights

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